videomaker - video editor - photographer
based in Milano, IT
personal films/video works [direction/editing/shooting]
Caro, Cara [video installation]: trailer
Please Rewind [video installation]: trailer
Autoritratto [short documentary]: trailer
Comfort Zone [short experimental film]: trailer
for more info visit:
other films
Design is a verb, 60’ documentary by LeftLoft [editing] : trailer
Dentro il polittico, 60’ documentary by Davide Minotti [editing/2nd camera] : teaser
Essere Animali, short film documentary by Martina Scalini [dop/editing] : in post-production
My Amiata [spot]: full video
San Gimignano [spot]: full video
The Doormen Quarantine [music video] : full video
Babel Festival [interviews+backstage] : int 1 / int 2 / int 3 / int 4 / int 5 / backstage
Linecheck Festival [promo] : promo
RH+ [clothing campaign promo]: full video
The Finish3r [tv show by Bike Channel, three 50’ episodes] : promo 1 / promo 2
New York Times’ T Time [web format by The New York Times]: episode 1 / episode 2
Fondazione Pergolesi Spontini [Backstage workshop with Franco Dragone]: full video
Stefano Coppari in Eureka [music video]: full video
Babel 2019, Festival di Letteratura e Traduzione [daily + interviste]: youtube channel
shooting + editing
Scivola at Milano Design Week 2019 [backstage and video promo]: full video
ILS Summer School 2018 [backstage and video promo]: full video
RH+ [clothing campaign promo]: full video
Manuel Volpe & Rhabdomantic Orchestra in Nostril [music video]: full video
Lacoste: la scarpa del futuro [footwear campaign promo stop-motion]: full video
Lacoste: la scarpa del futuro [footwear campaign promo backstage]: full video
Wood’d [short web documentary]: full video
Wavez skateboardz [short web documentary]: full video
photo reportage
download pdf
Re-framing Home Movies: working with super8 mm and 8 mm archives - Bergamo, Torino, Cagliari, 2018, IT
Q-Rated: The artist as curator, the curator as artist, with Pierre Bal-Blanc, Elena Filipovic, James Richards - Quadriennale di Roma, 2018, Roma IT
Uprisings’ imaginary, by Tommaso Guariento - MACAO, 2018, Milano IT
Publishing artists’ books, by A. Martegani e E. De Donno - Brera, 2018, Milano IT
Global Emergent Media Lab: working with archives form the Global South - Concordia University Summer Institute, 2017, Salemi IT
In Progress: documentary projects development workshop - Milano Film Network, 2015, Milano IT