Ti amo Alfredo! Teresa writes in various letters to her loved one. From the two ends of Italy, Torino and Messina, in the late 40s takes place a letter exchange that will last seven years. The correspondence, bought on ebay by the author, becomes a video-installation. Caro, Cara is a two channels video projection on two semi-transparent sheets, recreating physically the two subjects’ distance but reflecting each side on the other one.
The installation evokes the subjects’ state of mind, their waiting between a letter and the next one, and shows us a love that can only be lived in writing but not in person.
two channels video installation (english/italian version)
15’44’’, HD, color / black & white, stereo
with clips from The Prelinger Archive
09-13/06/2017 @ Mulhouse 017, Biennale de la Jeune Crèation - Mulhouse, FR